Thursday 17 December 2009

continuity piece

we have now finished filming the continuity peice. in the end we had to film it twice as the first time it went very wrong but the second time round we got it.we also had help from someone else as there was only to of us in the group, having that extra person helped us alot as we were able to film it all in under an hour without a also follows the storyboard alot more than i thought as we had to change it a little bit in order to film it but it follows the same story which is good and in the end we got a good continuity piece. the story of the piece is: a girl is walking down the corridoor by herself when she finds herself being stalked by this boy, she carrieson walking through the corridoor and each time she walks past her stalker appears to also be there.
she then walks into a classroom and sits down at this moment the stalker appears behind her in the classroom and puts his hand on her shoulder which scars her as she now doesn't know what to do.
he then hands her a note which she takes and opens, the stalker then leaves the room just before the girl opens it and when she opens it we don't see what it says and then it ends with the girls reaction to what the note says.
this is what the final peice looks like:

1 comment:

  1. more about how you found the process and how you would approach it differently would be good, as we can see how the piece works by watching it.
